Hand Painted Pottery by Nan Hamilton, Airedale Dog Art in Boston MA

Welcome to the Dog Wing 2007

Below you will find the pots, mostly Airedales, sold on eBay mid-month in 2007.

Airedales in the Teddy Bear Factory

Dales and Bears Dales and Bears

An Airedale gang has broken into a teddy bear factory in search of excitement and new toys. So far, only a few boxes have been opened and the teddies are still intact. Don't hold your breath, though. Anyone who has spent any time with Airedales knows, this situation is likely to be temporary. Expect bear fur and stuffing to fly as the tug of wars begin... This porcelain pot is is 5 1/2" high and 3 3/4" wide. This pot sold in December for $515.99.

Hattie Portrait Container

Hattie Hattie

Every Airedale is special but everyone who's had an Airedale know some that are extra special, with character enough for three. This Airedale is Hattie and she won over the heart of almost everyone she met. Hattie's own porcelain jar is 3 3/4" high and 5 3/8" wide. This pot sold in November for $281.01.

Airedales Play in Leaves Pitcher

Fallen Leaves Fallen Leaves

Raked up piles of fallen leaves bring fantastic smells, great digging conditions, and relief from the hot temperatures of summer. No wonder these Airedales look so happy! This stoneware pitcher is 6 3/4" high and 5 3/4" wide and holds 7 cups (56 oz). This pot sold in October for $382.73.

Airedale Play Bow Platter

Playbow Playbow

Young Airedale terriers are play specialists and this one would like to invite you to join in the fun. Tug, chase, ball, bitey face and stick rate highly on the dalepup play scale. This thrown and hand-painted porcelain platter is 1 1/2" high and 11 3/4" wide. This pot sold in September for $736.99.

Airedale Alphabet Bowl

Alphabet Alphabet

Airedale antics include balls, a cat, digging, exercise, a fence, grooming, holes, ice cream, jumps, kibble, a leash, mice, No! Off!, a pedigree, quack (a duck), rain, a squirrel, treats, up, a vet, water, an x-pen, a yard, and zoom! And what does it add up to? A lively Airedale alphabet! This porcelain bowl is 8" high and 3 1/4" wide. This pot sold in August for $356.01.

Airedales by the Stream Jar

Garden Airedales Garden Airedales

Who wouldn't want to spend a golden summer afternoon in a garden with a stream? Certainly these three Airedales are relaxed and happy, checking out the smells, ready to wade if they get warm. This peaceful stoneware jar is 8 1/2" high and 6 3/4" wide. The inside is glazed a soft green. This pot sold in July for $255.00.

Airedale Puppy Salt Shaker

Puppies Puppies

The likelihood of getting a group of Airedale puppies to line up like they have for this salt shaker is practically non-existant. Treasure the moment because you'll never see it for real. This porcelain shaker is 3" high and 3 1/2" wide. This pot sold in June for $281.89.

Airedales and Koi Cup and Saucer

Airedale and Koi Airedale and Koi

Even an Airedale can be mesmerized by the gentle motion of koi swimming in a pond. This stoneware cup is 3" high and 3 3/4" wide and holds 10 oz. The saucer is 6" wide. This pot sold in May for $660.00.

Airedales and Toys Bowl

Airedale Toys Airedale Toys

Every Airedale deserves a full toy box. These five Airedales have trashed the toy pile and each has emerged with his favorite. Painted with underglazes with a green glaze inside, this useful stoneware bowl is 2 3/4" high and 5 1/2" wide. This pot sold in April for $426.00.

Airedale Doghouse Teapot

Airedale Doghouse Airedale Doghouse

Sit on your porch and enjoy your tea while you watch the antics of the Airedale pack hanging out in the backyard. This rustic red stoneware teapot with exposed clay is 5 1/2" high, 4 5/8" (7 3/4") wide and holds 1 quart. This pot sold in March for $461.78.

Airedales and Flies Mug

Airedales and Flies Airedales and Flies

Some Airedales try to catch and eat flies while others are bugged by the buzzing. On the other side, a spider drops down. Will a web will help? Maybe less sugar in the coffee? This stoneware mug is 4 1/2" high, 3 7/8" wide and holds 18 oz. This pot sold in February for $236.50.

Airedales in the Woods

Airedales in Woods Airedales in Woods

Where's a better place to be on a bright late fall day than outside looking for adventure. A pack of five Airedales stand near a grove of aspen trees, looking down the trail, waiting for their people to catch up. This porcelain vase is 5 1/2" high and 3 1/2" wide. This pot sold in January for $319.56.

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No unauthorized reproduction. Thank you. Text, Drawings and Photos Copyright ©2007 Nan Hamilton